Thursday, 9 March 2017

The Good, The Bad, The Math Test

Well Dear Reader, it's March. A full year has passed since the horses were diagnosed with EIA. A year full of loving people and hateful people so I thought I would do a quick recap for those new to the Land Of Chaos....

The Good:
I'm pretty sure we caught our infection before we spread it to anyone else, at least I hope so. We have received some really great messages and letters from people who want to express their support as well as getting some amazing deals on horses to help rebuild our program. I have tried to be fearless in reminding people that without testing this CAN happen to them because it DID happen to me. Mini Chaos is starting to feel like herself again and I have family members who I have become a lot closer to this year. I know I am not alone in wanting to see change in the horse world in not just my area but my whole country. One newly infected horse because of lack of information or mishandling of infected horses is too many in my books.

The Bad:
People can be cruel. We lost Tucker before Christmas due to old age and my inbox filled up with hate mail. People demanding he be retested ( Last year Tucker was coggins tested six times, that is more than most of the people messaging would bother to test one horse in a lifetime) People accusing me of mistreating him or failing him. Tucker was over 30 years old and in the vets words " at that age they really don't need a reason to die" . People hung up on me and kicked me out of horse groups all summer as I tried to collect horses for my program. My depression has hit a record low. And out of all of it the worst part is that I lost myself in the Chaos this year.

The Math Test:

I'm terrible at math. I also find no joy in it and for this reason I dropped out of highschool and have never graduated. Math is my Moriarty, My Lex Luther, My Road Runner. But in the course of losing myself this year I decided that the first step had to be something I could change, a battle I was guaranteed to win. So Dear reader, I am enrolled in a grade 10 math class. It is hard, and scary and frustrating and despite all of that, I scored a 73% on my first test! That is basically equal in my books to winning the Kentucky Derby or Finishing in the money at the CFR!

I appreciate you all Dear Reader for being hear and following the Land of Chaos and please know I am trying very hard to be a better host. There were days this year when I got up so I could write for you and you became my purpose for putting one foot in front of the other for just one more day. I'm thinking on a topoic to write for you , but you know how I get :) It's got to cook a bit more first ;)

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